What Went Wrong with Our Education System is a pioneering work with an honest appraisal of the weaknesses in the current system of education. The work employs a methodology of diagnostic analytics, hitherto, unapplied to the study or analysis of the Indian educational policies. The book aims to diagnose the actual cause of the Indian educational illness for its wellness giving a mighty call for a final surgical strike on the roots of the chronic problems that exacerbate the Indian education system multifariously since the colonial days. The denial of education in mother tongues has precipitated a crisis of linguistic identity accrual to the loss of political voice; or the creation of the BIMARU states and backward pockets within one nation is but an impact of such policies.
Upon a survey of the Indian education policies since 1813, the book has identified the key issues in education; and seeks to offer viable solutions. Also, the book examines the factors responsible for the renegation of the Indian Renaissance due to Euro-Centric Orientalist accent sidetracking or destroying the tradition of the classical Indian learning right since 1773, with silent maneuverings of a class of persons Indian in blood and colour, but English in tastes, in opinions, in morals and in intellect (vide clause 34 of Macaulay’s Minute on Education 1835) which eventually set the tone and tenor of all policies on education in India following the 1949 Report on Education that has prismed through the perception of the Planning Commission.
Further, the book calls for a value-oriented education shedding the Utilitarian Principles with due accord to the Indian historicality entrenched in the idea of achieving Excellence (śreyas) in place of hedonistic pursuits (preyas) for making a final vindication to translate the Kauṭilya’s ideal of Ānvīkṣikī or ‘scientific thinking’, which he reckons as ‘the lamp of all knowledge systems’ (vide Arthaśāstra 1.2.12).
Last but not least, the book also makes a call for academic justice offering many solutions to the current problems such as creation of Academic Tribunals and so on.
Front cover: (clockwise) Universities at Vikramshila; Odantapuri and Sompura
Back cover: (from left to right) Universities of Valabhi and Jagaddala
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