About book
Roses from the Desert of my Heart is arranged chronologically, according to the significant periods in the poet’s life and his personal and other interests at the time. Some of the poems were written for The Crystal Tree, the title of his M.A. thesis in Creative Writing. A few others of the poems have been published individually, but most have never previously been published. As White says in the Preface to this volume, “(The allusion to ‘desert’ in the title may be understood in relation to the dryness or aridity of a life that can periodically flower into the language of poetry.)”
– Author
About the Author
Charles S. J. White, the author of Roses from the Desert of my Heart (Las rosas del desierto de mi corazón) received the M.A. degree magna cum laude in Creative Writing from La Universidad de las Américas in Mexico City. He has the B.A. degree in English (with honor) from the University of Wisconsin, Madison. He has the Ph.D. (with distinction) and M.A. degrees in the History of Religions from the University of Chicago. He is former chairman and now professor emeritus of the Department of Philosophy and Religion of American University in Washington, D.C. In 2002 he was visiting professor and fellow in the Oxford Centre for Hindu Studies at Oxford University, U.K. His published books include, The Caurāsī Pada of Hita Harivaṃśa, Ramakrishna’s Americans, A Catalogue of Vaiṣṇava Literature and The Garden of Loneliness, A translation of Jayshankar Prasad’s Ānsū (“Tears”). He has co-authored several books and published more than a hundred articles on topics in the history of Religions, Hinduism and medieval and modern Hindi poetry. His publications include translations from Spanish.
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